I know the battle is hard because we are having great success this year and the enemy doesn't like it one bit. In thinking about causes or changes, the Lord has shown me a few things. One, the girls were very disappointed that it didn't snow. Two, Sky has upcoming oral surgery Tuesday next week, with doctor's appointments on Friday this week and on Monday next week. So, we will miss three days of school and that adds some pressure on me trying to keep us caught up. Three, our schedules have slipped some. I've had Aiden (he is the 5 month old little baby boy that my sister in law is caring for) last week and this week. Last week went well, this week its been harder with him. I'm not sleeping as well and I end up sleeping later or napping during the days which means our time isn't being spent wisely.
Tonight Meadow tested at 10:00 pm, Sky drew two of her art history summaries, she'll have to color them tomorrow. We didn't finish our music study on Mendelssohn but will try to get it in before Monday. I don't like schooling that late in the evenings and the girls don't either so that is frustrating to all of us. I know that I'll work to get us back on schedule and we will see better days. I mainly wanted to share with my readers that our homeschool days isn't always perfect!
On the up side of things we are learning about such interesting people! This week we learned about another missionary named John Elliot. John had a heart to see the Indians saved. He taught himself to speak their language, and he preached to them in their tongue. Many came to know the Lord and they became known as the praying Indians. Another interesting person we are learning about is Madeleine Di Vercheres. She was a very strong 14 year old girl who protected and held the fort that was her home for 8 days, from the Indians, until help arrived. We are reading deeper about her in our new book Madeleine Takes Command by Ethel C. Brill. We are also reading The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh, which is geared more for Meadow's age. The middle book is Meadow's last Sing Spell Read and Write book! Yep, you heard right! Her last one! She is on step 34 and should be completing the series by the end of next week. We are both so excited!
My favorite thing this week is our new hymn. It's called Alas, And Did My Savior Bleed, written by Isaac Watts. The version we are listening to is sung by Sovereign Grace Music on the Songs for the Cross-Centered Life album. I'm going to try and embed it below so that if you like you can listen to it. It's so beautiful, so deep and it just touches my heart so. I hope it speaks to you as strongly as it did to me. Have a blessed week!
Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed - Sovereign Grace Music
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